At the Revolving Soap, our primary mission is so provide soap to those who lack access to it. Soap saves lives and its absence often leads to the spread of disease. While people are dying from this inequity, the hospitality industry throws out millions of barely used soap bars. We partner with hotels and recycle their used soap bars.
If you feel inspired by our mission, please contact us and become a part of the movement.
The Process
Collect Soap
We first collect the soap from hotels and soap businesses. We have partnerships with several hotels, both local and major hotel chains.
Cleanse The Soap
In order to ensure peak cleanliness, we peel the outer layer of every soap bar that has been used. This is a meticulous process, but one that ensures the highest quality soap bar. We also dip them into a solution.
Turn Soap Bars Into Smaller Pieces
We crush the soap bars until they become thin shredded particles. This makes the process of recycling them easier.
Mold Into New Bars and Wrap
We then mold the soap particles into new bars of soap. Then we wrap out soaps bars in biodegrade shrink wrap.